Dear Statistik Forum,
I hope this is the right spot for my problem. I really need some help solving this task, I appreciate every solution/ explanation (you can also answer in German/deutsch I will probably understand!)
Let Y1, . . . , Yn ∼ B(1, π) be an iid sample of Bernoulli random variables with n ≥ 5. Recall that E[Yi] = π and Var[Yi] = π(1 − π).
The following statistics are possible estimators of π:
I cannot upload an image but please find it here ... ew_png.htm
1. Which of the proposed estimators for π is unbiased? Which of them is asymptotically unbiased?
2. Compute the variances of ˆπ1, ˆπ2, and ˆπ3.
please do not hesitate to help me
kind regards,