Hi Leute, habe Probleme bei meiner Statistik Projektarbeit die AV und UV herauszufinden... vielleicht könnt ihr mir helfen.
Das ist der Analyseplan:
The key effect was the difference in the magnitude of the attraction effect (the difference between the ABC and BCD array condition) between participants who were depleted and got the placebo and all other participants. The dependent variable was the choice frequency, as was calculated as the percentage of B choices (B/(B+C)).
In order to investigate this and to mimic the original analysis, we planned to run a 2 (glucose vs. placebo) x 2 (depletion vs. no depletion) x 2 (ABC vs. BCD array of options) between-subjects ANOVA. The effect of interest was tested by running a planned interaction contrast comparing the attraction effect in the depletion-plus-placebo condition to the attraction effect in the combination of the other three conditions (depletion-plus-glucose, no depletion-plus-placebo, no depletion-plus-glucose). We expect this contrast to be significant, with the attraction effect being larger in the depletion-plus-placebo condition than in the combination of the other three conditions.