von Kruse » Fr 10. Okt 2014, 19:30
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Rückmeldung =)
Das Vorgehen wird wie folgt beschrieben:
To test for mediation, fit one model via SEM, so the direct and indirect paths are fit simultaneously so as to estimate either effect while partialling out, or
statistically controlling for, the other.
a. "Some" mediation is indicated when both of the X+M and M-1 Y coefficients are significant.
b. If either one is not significant (or if both are not significant), there is no mediation, and the researcher should stop.
2. Compute the z to test explicitly the relative sizes of the indirect (mediated) vs. direct paths. Conclusions hold as follows:
a. If the z is significant and the direct path X+ Y is not, then the mediation is complete.
b. If both the z and the direct path X+ Yare significant, then the mediation is "partial" (with a significantly larger portion of the variance in Y due to X
being explained via the indirect than direct path).
c. If the z is not significant but the direct path X+ Y is (and recall that the indirect, mediated path, X+M, M 4 Y is significant, or we would have ceased
the analysis already), then the mediation is "partial" (with statistically comparable sizes for the indirect and direct paths), in the presence of a direct
d. If neither the z nor the direct path X+ Yare significant, then the mediation is "partial" (with statistically comparable sizes for the indirect and direct
paths), in the absence of a direct effect.
--> Demnach liegt meiner Meinung nach Fall c vor, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe. Also zeigen die Ergebnisse eine partielle Mediation, bzw. durch den Vorzeichenwechsel eine Suppression!?
Viele Grüße,