Krippendorff's Alpha limited on 100 cases?

Krippendorff's Alpha limited on 100 cases?

Beitragvon Sabine89 » Di 3. Feb 2015, 23:15

I am stuck in my analysis and I kindly ask you for advice.
I want to calculate Krippendorff's Alpha for 2 raters in 275 cases, my data have ratio-scale quality and the variables are continious.
When I count KALPHA with 100 cases it works out perfectly. With 101 cases there are no results, but and error message saying "Warning number 233. The maximum depth of the PRESERVE nesting/interleaving has been reached. Types PRESERVE...RESTORE can nest with a depth of 5".
Is there a way to calculate KALPHA for more that 100 cases?

I appreciate your expertise a lot.
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Re: Krippendorff's Alpha limited on 100 cases?

Beitragvon bele » Mi 4. Feb 2015, 16:12

Hello Sabine,

it appears from the following link, that KALPHA is a macro for the computation of Krippendorf Alpha for SPSS and SAS:

The author encourages users to inform him about problems in the small letter note at the end of page two of the above mentioned PDF. If you contact him about the problem it might be advantageous to inform him, whether you are using SAS or SPSS.

On a second look into my search engine I find, that KALPHA is also the name of a Stata module from a different author
and maybe there are even more functions/modules/programs of that name. It might be advantageous to state whatever you have your problem with in the question.

All the best,
`Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.'
`How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
`You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
(Lewis Carol, Alice in Wonderland)
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