Hallo zusammen,
ich gehe gerade meine Masterarbeit nochmal durch und glaube ich bin auf einen Fehler gestoßen.
"We tested for possible experimenter effects and found out that experimenters significantly predict ASS-SYM scores, (ASS-SYM-baseline: F (1, 119) = 17.7, p = .000, ASS-SYM-follow-up: F (1, 119) = 16.74, p = .000). Therefore, experimenters were treated as covariates in the following repeated measures. Controlling for experimenters, ASS-SYM score did not change significantly over time in group A, (F (1, 28) = 1.47, p = .236), indicating that the placebo had no significant effect on ASS-SYM scores per se. There was also no significant chance in group B, (F (1, 31) = 1.20, p = .282). Differences between ASS-SYM scores at baseline and follow-up were examined by univariate ANCOVA. "
Ich darf experimenters (1,2,3,4 = nominal) eigentlich überhaupt nicht als Ko Variable bei der ANCOVA verwenden oder?
Aber was ist jetzt die Alternative?
Einfach normale ANOVA rechnen und als Limitation anmerken?