Sampe Size berechnen (schwer)

Fragen, die sich auf kein spezielles Verfahren beziehen.

Sampe Size berechnen (schwer)

Beitragvon cytzix » Do 3. Nov 2016, 22:32

Ihr Lieben,

ich scheitere an folgender Aufgabe:

"Suppose you are a researcher who wishes to investigate whether Vitamin D reduces the 5-year risk of prostate cancer in Irish males over 40 years of age. You plan to recruit a sample from this population, and randomly assign them to treatment arms (placebo vs vitamin D) in a 1:1 ratio. You wish to apply for regulatory approval for the study. As part of your submission, you need to decide on the required sample size for the study. Carry out a sample size calculation for this study, and write a paragraph describing the sample size calculation.
Hint: you should consult the literature on prostate cancer to support your sample size calculation (e.g. to find a good estimate of % of the target population that develop prostate cancer in a 5-year period). You should cite any sources you use, including any statistical software you used to carry out the sample size calculation."

Normalerweise bin ich selber interessiert Sachen zu verstehen, aber Morgen ist die Dead Line zur Einreichung. Wenn mir hier jemand helfen könnte, wäre ich unendlich dankbar!!!!
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Re: Sampe Size berechnen (schwer)

Beitragvon bele » Do 3. Nov 2016, 23:09 ... ata+cancer
Punkt 5 in nutzung-des-forums-f44/das-musste-mal-gepostet-werden-t6682.html

Wieviel Zeit hast Du denn verstreichen lassen, bevor Du uns abends um halb elf erzählsr, dass Du morgen fertig sein musst?

`Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.'
`How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
`You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
(Lewis Carol, Alice in Wonderland)
Schlaflos in Seattle
Schlaflos in Seattle
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Re: Sampe Size berechnen (schwer)

Beitragvon PonderStibbons » Fr 4. Nov 2016, 09:58

Hint: you should consult the literature on prostate cancer to support your sample size calculation (e.g. to find a good estimate of % of the target population that develop prostate cancer in a 5-year period). You should cite any sources you use, including any statistical software you used to carry out the sample size calculation."

Was sollen denn Leute in einem Statistikforum in der Hinsicht beitragen, außer
sie sind zufällig bewandert in der Epidemiologie des Prostatakarzinomns? Das wäre
eher was für ein Medizinerforum.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

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